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Semi-conductive shielding compound

This product is based on the national standard "JB/T 10738-2007: semi-conductive shielding materials for extruded insulated cables with rated voltages of 35KV and below", the index requirements for peroxide cross-linked semi-conductive shielding materials for ethylene-propylene rubber insulated cable insulation. Production, suitable for cable conductors, long-term allowable cable with a maximum operating temperature of 90 ° C, characterized by excellent processing performance and stable performance.

Serial numberprojectunitHBDHBD-1
ClaimMeasured valueClaimMeasured value
2Tensile StrengthMpa≥6.07.5≥6.08.0
Elongation at break≥180260≥200330
3Hot air aging test135±2℃×168h
Tensile strength change rate ≤±307±309
Breaking elongation change rate ≤±30-18±30-20
4Impact embrittlement-40-45
Impact embrittlement performanceNumber of failures≤15/3010/30≤15/309/30
5Heat extension0.2Mpa 200±2℃×15min
Elongation under load≤8020≤8020
Permanent deformation after cooling≤106≤106
6Volume resistivity at 20 ° CΩ.cm≤10070≤10050
7Volume resistivity at 90 ° CΩ.cm≤100005000≤50002000
8Volume resistivity after hot air aging100±2℃
Volume resistivity at 90 ° CΩ.cm    
Semi-conductive shielding compound 2019-8-30 本文被阅读 2456 次
PREV:EPDM insulation rubber