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Weifang Haoxing United Rubber & Plastic Co., Ltd.

Contact: Manager Zhang

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On the development trend of wire and cable technology for nuclear power in China

  At present, China has been able to produce wire and cable for nuclear power. The production technology of this product has been improved under the vigorous development of the market in the past two years. In the country, there are nearly ten enterprises that meet the application requirements of this product, but there are not many real achievements. The main reason is that this market has relatively small capacity and can only account for 1% of the total wire and cable market. 2%. Many companies have seen the market prospects for nuclear power wire and cable soaring, and they are not aware of the importance of original R&D. The technology development of wire and cable for nuclear power is like rootless duckweed.

  China's nuclear power wire and cable market has presented an impetuous atmosphere. At present, the domestic safety certification system is not standardized, and the state does not clearly stipulate the institutions that can be qualified. Many appraisal meetings also invite relevant departments to participate in private individuals, which is actually a civil act. The lack of technical appraisal norms also makes China's nuclear power wire and cable manufacturers pay less attention to product research and development, coupled with the low-cost competition of informal enterprises, virtually reducing the psychological pricing of wire and cable, which further affects the research and development of formal enterprises. The entire industry is moving towards a vicious circle.

  Nuclear power technology has been developed in China for more than ten years. However, the demand for wire and cable for nuclear power in China has not been clear, and the differences between wire and cable for nuclear power and other types have not been well summarized. Such ambiguous demand makes it impossible for companies involved in research and development of wire and cable for nuclear power to determine the future direction of research and development.

  In addition to the lack of emphasis on technology research and development and the unclear requirements of users on the product side, the direction of research and development of wire and cable technology for nuclear power is blurred. Domestic nuclear power design institutes also have to bear certain responsibilities for the lack of independent technology of such wire and cable. .

  China's current nuclear power design institute is mainly divided into two factions. Jia Yilun believes that one school mainly focuses on its own research. Because it is my own research, I can only rely on the stone to cross the river, only to consider the research and development of key equipment. It takes time to “benefit” peripheral equipment such as wire and cable. The other faction is mainly based on imported technology, and the same problem also appears in this faction. Due to the many things that need to be digested and absorbed, only some local modifications can be made to the wires and cables, and the cables at the key parts are still solved by using imported products. The consequence of this is that domestic companies still do not know where the difference between domestic R&D products and imported products is, and how to improve them.

On the development trend of wire and cable technology for nuclear power in China 2019-8-30 本文被阅读 1424 次
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