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More and more cable manufacturers are optimistic about the prospects of wind energy cables

  The first meeting of the Global Wind Energy Council, an international organization formed by the European Wind Energy Cable Association and the wind energy cable manufacturers in the United States, Canada, Australia, India, China, Japan and countries on five continents, includes the first meeting of the Global Wind Energy Council. More than 1,500 companies, groups and research institutes from around the world, covering more than 7,000 wind power equipment from more than 7,000 manufacturers.

  According to estimates, this means that the cable has a secondary propulsion of 20% uniform growth, from Asia and the Americas.

  At the first World Wind Power Conference of the Global Wind Energy Association held in the past, the current situation and the secondary achievements of the wind power homes in the country were reviewed. At the same time, it was pointed out that in the next 20 years, the world’s wind power homes should be the leading and leading countries. is China. The use of wind condition guessing, early warning mechanism and active monitoring and maintenance methods has become the crux of the safe operation of wind turbines: large-scale and land-based has become a major trend in the future of wind power development in the world.

  The characteristics of the countries listed are as follows: German wind capital is the lowest in Europe, but wind power capacity is the world's number one, and its secondary development is supported by the national policy. Their achievements in the development of large-scale land-based wind power are natural maintenance, ocean transportation, low-cost work costs and other achievements. In the Netherlands, the windmill is long and the world is famous. However, the wind power capacity is only ranked seventh in the living world. The result he faced was to establish a messy program and the authorities were hesitant. Denmark's living wind power is ranked fourth in the development of wind power, but its wind power equipment and its sales are the world's number one. In the past, the country will install 160MW of wind power on the two continents, which has occupied the thorny copper camel of the world's land wind power. Britain's wind power development ranks eighth, but it is in the middle of the world's land-based wind power development in the next few years. The 15 projects it has confirmed have a total installed capacity of 7,200 MW, accounting for 17% of its total power generation. The secondary achievement facing the country is the transportation of land equipment, convenient transportation, and high cost of submarine cable laying. In Asia, India was originally left behind in China. In the past few years, its development has become clear. In 2006, it leapt to the fourth place in the world. At present, its momentum is still weak, and it is estimated that it will reach the second in the world. China, the “Regeneration Power Law” officially implemented on January 1, 2006 is driving the enthusiasm of wind power generation. After 20 years, China will become a country that is the first to dominate and dominate the world wind power market.


More and more cable manufacturers are optimistic about the prospects of wind energy cables 2019-8-30 本文被阅读 1541 次
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